
House Party and little chat by Chi*

すごいいいエリアでもう私の家ってか部屋と比べたら、もう最高にステキなオウチでした。1階にキッチン、リビングルームがあって、螺旋階段を降りると大きなベットルームとバスルームがあります。インテリアもおしゃれで、バスルームにはMolton Brown, Frederic Fekkaiが置いてあって、これまたおしゃれを感じました。ご飯もすごくおいしくて、私もこうやって早く友達をよんで楽しくパーティーできる日がほしいな~って思いました。



もしこちらに旅行を考えてる方は絶対に今のうちに両替をお勧めします。だって去年、1ポンド250円だったんだよ~!!それが今1ポンド149円まで下がってるんだもん。本当にありえない・・。 これ以上下がるか分からないけど、また200円とかにあがったらそうとう後悔すると思うので。

Last night Tom and I went to our friends house to have dinner. They moved to central London a couple of months ago. The flat is very nice. There is a kitchen and living room on the ground floor and a bathroom and big bedroom in the basement. They have a staircase as well. How cool is that! In the bathroom they have Molton Brown, Frederic Fekkai, etc.

If I compare to my flat I just feel down. I realise how small my flat is... no space to sit for 4 people, no TV, very tiny kitchen and I have to share the bathroom. Oh my god. I think we've done very well so far. I can't believe that we've been living in this tiny room for over 1 year.

Anyway their kindness made me happy.
They made us a very nice meal. After the meal we watched the DVD Badass, but I was a bit drunk and there were no subtitles so actually I couldn't understand half of it...

Summer time finished today. The time difference between Japan and England is 9 hours.
The depressing time is coming so I'll try doing something fun as much as I can.

As you know the economic market is turbulent. It's crazy! When I came to England 1 pound was 250 yen but now 1 pound is 149 yen. If you want to travel around England I suggest exchanging money now. If it goes up again you will be crazy.

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