
BBC Learning English by Chi*

今日働いているカレッジの先生がコンピュータールームでレッスンしてたから、チラってのぞいてみたら、BBC Learning Englishを使ってレッスンしてた。なかなか使えそうなフレーズとかニュースから学ぶ事ができたり、ゲームしながら学べたりいい感じです。


あとイギリス英語、イギリス人を楽しく学びたい人にはHow to be Britishがおすすめ!
One of the teachers from work was teaching a lesson in the Computing room. I was wondering what she was doing so I peeked into the room. She was using resources from the BBC Learning English website which looked fun and useful. You can learn lots of phrases from the news, play games, watch videos and listen to articles.

I also like The How to be British Collections. It describes British people but it's a bit of an exaggeration though. If you want to know about British people it might help you understand them.

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